Karaoke Nite is a social app. Our north star is to create the next-gen house party.

At Karaoke Nite, we believe that singing with friends is way more fun than humming by yourself in the shower and on a mobile app.

Whether you are getting silly together because of a birthday or heartbreak, happy hour or a casual hang, we are here to help you have a good time.

Beta v2.1

We are a small team of friends based in Brooklyn, building Karaoke Nite part-time on nights and weekends. We want to make house parties cool again.

This is currently a Beta version of the web app. We have a ton of features and goodies coming soon so stay tuned. In the meantime, please help us make the experience better by answering a quick feedback survey. It'd be much appreciated.

Karaoke Nite is also open-sourced. If you are a programmer, designer, 3d modeler, or game artist, you can find the project on GitHub.

Record Labels & Artists

If you are a indie record label or band/artist that's interested in having your music videos be featured in the app, please let us know via email. We would love to have you!


The Beta was soft launched in 2021 with 50 karaoke soundtracks featured in the app. All soundtracks have been lawfully purchased (proof of purchase can be requested). If people enjoy the app and want to see it continue to grow, we will work with a copyright lawyer to purchase more licenses and add music videos to our collection.

Privacy Policy can be found here.

"Might want to warn your roommate first." Product Hunt